Examples of preferential treatment
Examples of preferential treatment

The State Party in which the investment is made may similarly establish preferential treatment according to the foregoing considerations for Arab investment projects which are essentially owned by Arab nationals. English And this is happening in a country which, unfortunately, was the first to benefit from our programme of preferential treatment, which should have had a better future. In the according of preferential privileges, regard shall be had, in particular, for the following considerations: - The importance of the project with regard to the future development of the national economy - Joint Arab projects - The size of Arab participation in administration of the project - The extent of Arab possession of the technology employed - The achievement of greater Arab control over the administration and the technology employed - The creation of employment opportunities for nationals of the host State and Arabs and the capital contribution to the State in which the investment is made - The sector in which the investment is made. preferential treatment means any concession or privilege granted under thisChapter by a Party, including the elimination of tariffs on the movement of goods.

examples of preferential treatment examples of preferential treatment examples of preferential treatment

ARTICLE 16 The State Party may establish additional privileges for the Arab investor in excess of the minimum stipulated within this Agreement. The customs authority of the importing party will grant preferential tariff treatment, based on a claim made by the importer, to goods that originate in the.

Examples of preferential treatment